我做呢個網站嘅原因係希望就算有一日social media全部唔用得(呢個唔係完全冇可能 例如有一日meta黑客入侵 or 突然社交平台因為某啲理由會封鎖一個地區) 我都仲可以同大家溝通。
I create HBF online for y'all so I can get off social media and really talk to you guys. I will share more on HBF blog and u guys can always dm me here as well, it will go straight to my mailbox and I can always read it. The instagram broadcast channel will be closing soon as well.
Thanks for creating this🧡
Will be missing your little messages in your ig broadcast channel 🥹
Whatever makes you happy :) HiByeFrd will follow wherever you go🧡